Last Week of School 9th - 11th Grade - June 20th to June 22nd

Monday June 19th - No School
Tuesday June 20th - Dismissed at 11:03am
Period 1: 8:00am - 8:28am
Period 2: 8:31am - 8:59am
Period 3: 9:02am - 9:30am
Period 4: 9:33am - 10:01am
Period 5: 10:04am - 10:32am
Period 6 10:35am - 11:03am
Wednesday June 21st - Dismissed at 10:57am
Period 1: 8:00am - 8:57am
Period 2: 9:00am - 9:57am
Period 3: 10:00am - 10:57am
Thursday June 22nd Last Day of School - Dismissed at 10:57am
Period 4 8:00am - 8:57am
Period 5: 9:00am - 9:57am
Period 6: 10:00am - 10:57am
Student Expectations
As we approach the end of the school year, we kindly ask our families for your support in ensuring a safe and secure environment for all students. It is vital that students continue to act responsibly and follow school policies during these last days. Any students found behaving in an unsafe or disruptive manner will have their parents called for a mandatory meeting to discuss additional consequences. Let's work together to make the conclusion of this academic year a positive and successful one, celebrating our achievements. Thank you for your partnership in fostering a safe learning environment.