IHSCA Charter Renewal Process Begins

What is the Charter Renewal Process?

Our renewal application will be reviewed by a team of experts in academics, facilities, finance, and compliance. They will evaluate four key areas:

  1. Academic Performance
  2. Financial Performance
  3. Inclusive Programming and Equitable Systems
  4. Organizational Compliance

We are confident in our strengths but recognize the need for improvement in special education and English learner supports. We have a plan to address these areas and anticipate rapid improvement.

How Can You Support Us?

Your involvement is crucial for a successful renewal. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Attend Our State of Schools Meeting
    • This meeting will provide important information about the renewal process. Learn about the performance metrics and how our school impacts the community.
  2. Complete the Family and Student Questionnaire
    • A short survey will be sent to gather your feedback on why you chose our school. Your positive experiences are vital for our renewal application.
  3. Share Your Community Impact Narrative
    • We invite staff, students, and parents to share stories of how our school has positively impacted our students lives and community. These narratives will be included in our renewal report.

Let’s come together and make sure our voices are heard by the Chicago Public Schools Board of Education. Your support is essential for IHSCA’s continued success in our community.