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Parent Volunteer Application

Dear Prospective Volunteer,

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy High School Volunteer. While we aim to make this process as straightforward as possible, we also recognize our high level of responsibility for the well-being of our students. As such, we require those who will work closely with our students to complete the Volunteer Process. The form below will provide the information we need and will enable us to contact you about volunteer opportunities.

All volunteers will require a background screening, as you will be in close contact with our IHSCA students. Volunteers will also go through required trainings and orientation to properly prepare you.

Basic Volunteer Information

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Answer Required
Do you currently have a student enrolled at IHSCA?*
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Languages You Speak
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Education Level
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Brief Description of Roles Down Below

Morning Student Arrival Supervision and After School Dismissal Supervision - Volunteers in this role will ensure the safety of our students during morning arrival or after school dismissal. Volunteers will make sure to report any suspicious and unsafe activity to our security team for proper follow up. These volunteers work closely with our administrative team as well as the Director of Restorative Practices. 

Office Clerical Work - Volunteers will provide support in any clerical work that is needed and will work closely with the main office team as well as administration. Tasks can include: making phones calls, preparing mailings, filing, shredding, and other work as needed.

School Events / Field Trip Chaperones - Our school at times will be in need of chaperones during school events such as dances and field trips. Chaperones will monitor and supervise students to ensure their safety during school events and field trips. 

Please indicate the type of role(s) you are interested in serving.*
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Please read and check both boxes down below to continue.*
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